Adverse Childhood Experiences & Trauma-Informed Care

December 6th, 2022 - December 8th, 2022

Blue Shield of California and Blue Shield Promise invites you to attend an educational webinar focused on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) Education and Practical Resources for Community-Based Organizations Employees and Providers. The webinar will provide training and practical resources for community-based organizations (including schools) that serve patients and clients who have experienced trauma. ACEs are stressful events in a child or adolescent’s life and can include experiences such as abuse, neglect, substance abuse, witnessing violence, bullying, poverty, and more. Without support and intervention, ACEs can have long-term effects on a children’s brains and their bodies, impacting behavior, learning and mental health. While ACEs can lead to an increased risk for our youth, they don't have to lead to health problems with the right support for children to feel safe and secure. The webinar will cover such topics as:

• Introduction to ACEs and trauma-Informed care
• Identifying organizational imperative for trauma-informed care
• Explore the ROI for embracing trauma informed approaches
• Practical steps to prepare and implement trauma-informed care in the workplace
• Practical steps to for billing and reimbursements for medical providers
The two-hour webinar is free and is aligned with the California ACEs Aware Initiative.
The two-hour webinar is free and is aligned with the California ACEs Aware Initiative. Dates and details on registration below:
Dec. 6th, 10am-12pm

Dec. 8th, 1am-3pm

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